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Friday, February 8, 2008

take a deep breath

"Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!" -- 1 Samuel 12:16


Tiger & Kar said...

Wow...what a powerful verse to remember as you embark on this amazing journey. A sense of peace and calm washed over me as soon as I opened your blog.

Ana, you are an amazing person and your faith is contagious (in a good way of course!!). I'm absolutely thrilled that you're leaving in just over 12 hours and am so looking forward to reading a post that says you're writing from Moscow!

Prayers, well wishes and many, many HUGS are being sent your way today and for the next 7 days!

God bless!!

Antoine & Lori said...

Our thoughts and prayers are traveling with you! Can't wait to read your news. Lori

Lauri said...

Have a safe trip

Heather & Jason said...

Many Blessings are being prayed for you! Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ana, I can't wait till you get back!!!! I know you haven't left yet, but I'm ready to see the pictures!!!! Mama reminded me that the very first pictures of the baby will be on MY camera!!!! yay!!!! Well don't forget to tell the baby about me and his family waiting patiently(ok maybe not so patiently)over here!!! Well you and Russ know I love you very much!!! Have a safe trip!!!!!

Your sweet pea!