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Monday, March 17, 2008

time with the girls

The last few days have been quite busy, and that has thankfully helped to pass the time. We leave for Moscow in less than 2 weeks now!

My sister and her son (my most adorable 3 year old nephew) have been at my mom's, visiting during her spring break. Saturday, R & I had dinner with them at my mom's. Then yesterday, M. left my nephew with our mom, and then we went to see one of our other sisters. The three sisters had not been together, just us girls, in a few years, since before my nephew arrived, and it was great! We had girl time! We shopped until we dropped! We went to AC Moore (craft store), and I got little canvas tote bags for our caregiver gifts and some pretty gift wrap and ribbon for our other gifts. We went to Swoosie's, and M. got some treats for my nephew's Easter basket, and the cutest black and white stuffed bunny. We went to Off Broadway Shoes, and M. found some adorable little spring shoes. We went to Whole Foods, then had dinner, then on to Target, and I got some final items for trips 2 and 3. Then we went to Kohl's!

M. and I spent the night at A.'s house, so we had a girls only slumber party! This morning, we all slept in, and had a great time just hanging out talking. Then we had lunch (yummy Greek food) and finally M. and I arrived back at my mom's about 4:30 this afternoon. That was the longest M. had ever spent away from her son, and I know it felt strange to her.

I really enjoyed being able to spend some time with them!


Becky and Keith said...

Aren't girls weekends the best?!?! Glad you had so much fun! You went to all of my favorite stores. :-)

Kevin T. said...

Hi Ana,
That sounds like you had such a great time! My siter is 3 hours away, so we don't get to do that too much and I miss that! I sometimes just drag my poor husband with me to the Christmas Tree Shop!

Troy and Rachel said...

Sounds like you really had a good time. Glad you got some final things for your trip and it won't be long now!!

Beth said...

How fun, Ana! Only 2 more weeks until you see Eli again! Yeah!!!!