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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

endings and beginnings

As 2008 comes to an end, so does our blog. Now that we are beginning our life as a family of 4, there is not much time to blog. In 2009, we're going to be focusing all our energy on Eli and Claire. We're trying to give Eli as much attention as we can, because we're still working on his attachment, which right now is not as strong as we would like for it to be. At times, he still pushes us away. We want him to feel safe and secure, and to really trust us. We love him so much.

This blog was meant for Eli, as a record for him of our adoption journey, so it has served its original purpose. When I can find a moment, I'm going to have it printed as a book for him to have and read when he is older.

I'll still be reading other blogs when I have a chance. Thanks so much to everyone who read this blog and shared their comments with us. The love and support meant so much to us, especially when we were in Moscow and again when Claire was born.

Best wishes to all for a very happy and healthy 2009!


Deb said...

Sad to see you go but understand.

Enjoy your children. And when you're ready to print the blog try they do it. One day I plan on doing the same.

Troy and Rachel said...

We'll miss you! I am so happy that we had the chance to meet in Moscow at the embassy. I hope Eli's hair stays curly!!

Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

Enjoy your lives as a family of four!

Kevin T. said...

Hi Ana,
Congratulations again to you and Russ! What an amazing year this has been for you all. It was great to follow your journey. Have a Very Happy New Year!

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

We will miss keeping up with your family but definitely understand! I hope your attachment continues to go well with Eli. Happy New Year!

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

You'll be missed! I've enjoyed following along. You have a beautiful family. Best Wishes! Kim

Dede said...

I've enjoyed your blog and reading your adoption journey. I understand about not having time for it. Take care!

Michelle R said...

To think back to a year ago is crazy and wild isn't it! How much difference 1 year has made. It was a wonderful 2008. I know 2009 will be even better!

Becky and Keith said...

Happy New Year! We'll miss you, but understand completely! If you want an easy to use way to print your blog (without having to do page layouts) use My husband did mine so it MUST be easy! :-)

Mark and Sinziana said...

Happy New Year! Totally understand the lack of time to blog. It has been great following your journey!

Joy said...

You must be crazy busy with 2 little ones now. You will be missed.

Sarah said...

What a beautiful choice! I was looking forward to meeting you, especially now meeting another mom putting her family first. WE just stepped out of full time ministry to do the same.

Delighted to meet you today. .

I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to take a dip in God's goodness.

Splashing for His glory,